Thursday, August 28, 2008


Future ? This question seems to be surrounding me a lot lately.
The reason of this topic surrounding me is because of we're gonna graduate very soon ... yea ! how time flies...
graduating indirectly means we're gonna be out of job ! omg, how's the true life out there after we say bye bye to studying life ?

Seriously, i've never been thinking of my future in a really strict man
ner as i still have another 3 months to go ... but yea, my frens shared their opinion about what they really wanna achieve in the future, after graduating .. some of em had found their job,
some are still pondering,
some never even think or the truth is actually dare not to think of it....
Well, talking about future... my fren shared something real interesting with me which actually speaks my mind...

I believe that living in this world should be like, live life cool or live and enjoy life ! yea.....
living happily is defined differently by different people
who has different perspective and hopes on their own life... many wants to be successful ... means rich ? *wondering*
As what i always wish for ... a simple life with a wife, kids, a house, a car, a steady job .... but who knows ?
Life is already so difficult, however to achieve a simple life isn't easy at all considering inflation rate, economy crisis, value of money dropping, price going up ... how much is enough to survive ?
Judging from my knowledge and education level now, i wonder what will i be doing in the future ?
ain't good in programming, ain't really good in communication, ain't really good in networking...
What's my future's gonna be like ? *unimaginable*


Speaking of this word, to say is easy, but to achieve is a
ctually difficult depending on the level on how contented and satisfied one can be about their own life.
However, talking back on what my friend shared ... he said that, to be happy and contented... one can actually feel it by just looking around at how many family members i'm having now, the number of frens that i have, which you actually has a bunch of brothers ( you know who you are ! :) ,glad that i have ya all) which never betrayed or left me behind...
At the very least, i have the opportunity to get my tertiary education done, have a place to stay, have time for entertainment ( plenty of it ), have a car(SLK= Sexy Little Kancil :D) which allows me to travel around conveniently ( thanks to my mum ! love ya ),
have enough money to spend ( thanks to my sis, you've been great ! love u 2 ) !

So i would say that, one must learn to be contented and satisfied... as happiness is actually simple !

Simple = happiness, learn to be contented ! however, treasure what you have instead of searching for more ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.